Case Studies

Case Study - 1

This is the story of Nilam Phasale, a 13-year-old studying in 7th Standard of Velunje Ashram School in Nashik District. Nilam has always been passionate about learning and exploring the world around her. However, she faced a unique challenge – she had extremely high eye power. Her parents are poor and they are labourers by profession. The main occupation of the people of that village is agriculture, they all are dependent on agricultural income.

From a very young age, Nilam struggled with her vision. While her classmates could effortlessly read the writing on the blackboard, Nilam often squinted and struggled to make out the letters. Nilam had a high degree of myopia or nearsightedness.

During the School Eye Screening camp of Tulsi Eye Hospital, Nashik in the Velunje Ashram School, the optometrist checked the eyes of Nilam and she was referred to the base hospital for further treatment. She was taken to the base hospital & where she was refracted and provided a pair of spectacles free of cost.

After receiving a pair of glasses from the hospital, her love for learning only deepened. Despite the obstacles her poor eyesight presented, she remained determined to pursue higher education and follow her dreams. With her glasses perched firmly on her nose and a sparkle of determination in her eyes, Nilam embarked on a journey filled with endless possibilities, proving that with courage and perseverance, anything is possible, even for a girl with spectacles in India.

Case Study - 2

Name: Ms. Yamunabai Shankar Hirkund, F/65
MRD No- F0100430
Date of Surgery: 04.10.2023
Eye Operated- RE
Pre-Op Vision- 2/60
Post op vision- 6/12

This is the story of Yamuna Bai, a 65-year-old who lives in a small village Torangan in Nashik district in rural India. To help make ends meet, Yamuna Bai works as a daily wage labourer. The main occupation of the people of that village is agriculture, they all are dependent on agricultural income.
Ms Yamuna Bai earns around INR150-200 per day for her labour, but the work is not always steady, and she often has to work long hours in the hot sun. Despite the challenges, Yamuna Bai is determined to provide support for her family.

Last few months Ms Yamuna Bai has been facing vision-related problems in her eyes. Earlier she was doing good. There was no issue to carry out her regular activities. Sometimes in the absence of her family members, she was alone managing the household activities effectively. She only noticed that her vision was deteriorating when she couldn’t able to household activities properly. She also finds it difficult to recognize the faces of her family members. The problem of poor vision increased day by day and she had to face many challenges in her life.

One day a relative of Yamuna Bai is informed about the free eye checkup camp of Tulsi Eye Hospital, Nashik in the nearby village. She visited the screening camp, where she was diagnosed with a cataract in her eyes. At the campsite, she was properly counselled about her eye problem. She thoroughly explained the procedure in detail. She was taken to the base hospital & she was operated on successfully for a cataract. Post cataract surgery Ms Yamuna Bai regained her vision back.

Ms. Yamuna Bai’s story is just one example of the struggles faced by many women in our surroundings who work as daily wage laborers. Despite the difficult conditions and low pay, these women work tirelessly to support their families and build a better life for themselves and their loved ones.

Tulsi Eye Hospital provides quality eye care services for many needy women like Ms Yamuna Bai to regain not only sight but also confidence.

Case Study - 3

Name: Ragho Gopal Borase
MRD: F0100433
Age: 70 Sex-Male
Eye Operated: LE
Pre-op Vision-6/60
Post-op vision: 6/12

This is the story of a man named Ragho Borase 70-year-old from the village Torangan of Nashik district of Maharashtra state.
Ragho Borase is staying in the village with his family. Despite his diminishing sight, Ragho Borase remained determined to live life to the fullest. His grandchildren would often gather around him, eager to hear tales of his youth and the adventures he embarked upon in his prime. But as the days went by, Ragho Borase found it increasingly difficult to see the faces of his beloved grandchildren, let alone the world around him.

Ragho Borase finally went to a local ophthalmologist, who diagnosed him with cataracts in both of his eyes. The doctor explained that cataracts were clouding the lenses of his eyes, making it difficult for him to see clearly. Ragho Borase was devastated by the news. The doctor informed him that cataract surgery could restore his vision, but the cost was beyond what he could afford on his modest income.

One day Mr. Ragho Borase got to know about the free eye checkup camp of Tulsi Eye Hospital, Nashik at the nearby village. He visited the screening camp, where he was diagnosed with cataracts, in both eyes. At the campsite, he was properly counselled about his eye problem. He explained the procedure in detail. He was taken to the base hospital and operated on cataract successfully in his LE, and today Mr. Ragho Borase has regained vision in LE.
With his vision fully restored, Ragho Borase’s life took a positive turn. Ragho Borase never took his eyesight for granted again and continued to spread awareness about the importance of regular eye check-ups and the availability of Tulsi Eye Hospital that could help those in need.
He a very grateful to the Tulsi Eye Hospital and the Donor for restoring his vision free of cost which he never expected3

Case Study - 4

Patient Profile

Name of Beneficiary: Ms. Dada Gangurde, F/70
Address: Tisgaon Nashik, MH
Eye Operated: LE
Pre-Op Vision: FC
Post-Op vision: 6/12

This is the story of an elderly man named Dada Gangurde who lives in a small village in the Nashik district of Maharashtra state. Dada had always been a hard-working farmer and had devoted his entire life to his land. However, as he grew older, he started facing problems with his vision. Initially, he ignored the problem, thinking that it was just a result of his old age. But with time, his vision became so poor that he could hardly see anything clearly. He could no longer work on his land, and he started feeling frustrated and helpless. Though he has family members but all of them ignored Dada’s eye problem owing to his old age.
Last few months Dada started vision-related problems in his eyes, which affected his daily routine. He was not able to carry out work-related activities due to poor vision. He also finds it difficult to see distant objects. As a result, that affected his lifestyle and he wasn’t able to do his daily activities. The problem of poor vision increased day by day and he had to face many challenges in his life. Dada’s family was worried about his health and took him to a local doctor. The doctor diagnosed him with cataracts and recommended surgery. However, Dada was hesitant to undergo surgery as he was afraid of the cost and the risks involved.
One day, a social worker informed Dada about the free eye checkup camp of Tulsi Eye Hospital in the nearby village. He visited the screening camp, where he was diagnosed with a cataract in his eyes. At the campsite, he was properly counselled about his eye problem. He thoroughly explained the procedure in detail. He had taken to the base hospital & he was operated on successfully for a cataract. Dada had regained his vision back.
In the end, Dada’s story highlights the challenges faced by the elderly in India when it comes to healthcare. While medical facilities are available, many people cannot afford the cost of treatment, which can lead to delayed or inadequate care. Despite this, Dada’s story also shows the importance of family support and the role it can play in improving the health and well-being of the elderly.

Case Study - 5

Patient details:
Name: Shasikala Khandu Baste
MRD: F097168
Age: 62 Sex-Female
Eye Operated: LE
Pre-op Vision-2/60
Post-op vision: 6/12-6/9

This is the story of a woman named Shasikala Baste 62-year-old from the Ashok Nagar area of Nashik district of Maharashtra state.
Shasikala is staying in the village with her family of 06 members. She lost her husband a few years back since then she is staying with her children. She is retired as an Anganwadi Worker.
Shasikala had seen many seasons pass, and with each one, her vision had gradually deteriorated due to cataracts. Her once-vibrant world had now become a blurry, uncertain place, filled with darkness and shadows.
One day Shasikala got to know about the free eye checkup camp of Tulsi Eye Hospital, Nashik at the nearby village. She visited the screening camp, where she was diagnosed with cataracts, in both eyes. At the campsite, she was properly counselled about her eye problem. She explained the procedure in detail. She was taken to the base hospital and operated on cataract successfully in her LE, and today Shasikala has regained vision in LE.
The days after the surgery were a time of rediscovery for Shasikala. She wandered through the village, marveling at the beauty she had long forgotten. She could see the lush green fields. Shasikala’s life had been transformed.
The cataract surgery had not just given Shasikala her vision back; it had given her a second chance at life. Her journey from darkness to light had not only changed her world but had illuminated the lives of those around her. She became a symbol of hope and inspiration, a reminder that it is never too late to regain what you’ve lost and to embrace life with open eyes and a heart full of gratitude.

Case Study - 6

Patient details:
Name: Dharma Waman Patil
MRD: F096007
Age: 65 Sex-Male
Eye Operated: RE
Pre-op Vision-3/60
Post-op vision: 6/12-6/9

This is the story of a man named Dharma Patil 65-year-old from the Pawan Nagar area of Nashik district of Maharashtra state.
Dharma Patil is staying in the village with his wife. He lost his only son a few years back. He is a vegetable vendor by profession.
Dharma Patil has always been meticulous about his work, paying attention to every detail. He had to spend long hours in the sun without proper eye protection. This can lead to an increased risk of cataracts. Unfortunately, Dharma Patil with cataracts faced several challenges in his daily life. Cataracts had significantly impacted his vision, making it difficult to perform his work and maintain his overall quality of life.
Dharma Patil began to notice that his vision was slowly deteriorating. At first, he dismissed it as a natural part of ageing, but soon, it became evident that something was seriously wrong. His eyesight continued to worsen, and he found it increasingly difficult to perform everyday tasks. He consulted with the local doctor for his eye problem. The doctor suggested cataract removal surgery costing around INR 20000/- Dharma Patil was not able to raise money to his surgery because of his economically poor background.
One day Mr. Dharma Patil got to know about the free eye checkup camp of Tulsi Eye Hospital, Nashik at the nearby village. He visited the screening camp, where he was diagnosed with cataracts, in both eyes. At the campsite, he was properly counselled about his eye problem. He explained the procedure in detail. He was taken to the base hospital and operated on cataract successfully in his RE, and today Mr. Dharma Patil has regained vision in RE.
He a very grateful to the Tulsi Eye Hospital and the Donor for restoring his vision free of cost which he never expected.