Tulsi Eye Hospital offers paediatric eye care with the motto 'Nurturing Young Vision, Brightening Futures.'

Here at Tulsi Eye Hospital, we recognise that your child’s eyes are their window to the outside world. In order to meet the specific needs of kids of all ages, our paediatric eye care programme is committed to provide specialised eye care services. Our team of skilled paediatric ophthalmologists is dedicated to fostering young vision and making sure that every kid has excellent eye health for a brighter future. We do this with a child-friendly and sensitive approach.

Why Choose Tulsi Eye Hospital for Pediatric Eye Care?

Expert Paediatric Ophthalmologists: Our hospital is home to a group of knowledgeable and compassionate paediatric ophthalmologists who have a wealth of experience treating a range of eye disorders in young patients. From new-borns through young adults, we offer individualised care to meet each patient’s specific needs for eye health.

Child-Friendly Setting: We are aware that going to the hospital might be frightening for young patients. To make sure that your child is relaxed and at ease while receiving eye care, Tulsi Eye Hospital has built a warm and friendly environment.

Comprehensive paediatric eye exams are necessary for identifying and treating visual problems at an early stage. Using specialised methods and tools appropriate for young children, our paediatric eye exams are created to be thorough yet kind.

Treatment for Amblyopia (Lazy Eye): Amblyopia, often known as lazy eye, is a disorder that can impair a child’s ability to develop their eyesight. In order to promote better vision, our skilled paediatric ophthalmologists offer early diagnosis and individualised treatment options, such as patching or eye drops.

The effects of strabismus (crossed eyes) on a child’s binocular vision and self-esteem. For the purpose of realigning the eyes and enhancing visual function, our team provides efficient treatment alternatives such as glasses, eye exercises, and corrective surgery.

Correction of Refractive Errors: Children who have refractive errors, such as near-sightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism, may find it challenging to perform daily tasks and succeed in school. To address their visual requirements, we offer accurate refractive error correction using prescription contacts or eyeglasses.

Pediatric Cataract Management: Though rare, Pediatric cataracts can significantly affect a child’s vision. Our specialists excel in diagnosing and surgically managing Pediatric cataracts, restoring clear vision and supporting their visual development.

School Eye Health Programmes: We work with schools to carry out thorough eye exams, guaranteeing the early identification of children’s vision issues. Our mission is to raise awareness of the value of routine eye exams and to encourage lifelong good visual health.

Pediatric Eyewear: We have a large assortment of stylish, comfy eyeglasses that are especially made for kids. Your youngster can choose the ideal pair of glasses that match their style and visual needs with the assistance of our helpful opticians.

Parental Education: Parents, in our opinion, are extremely important to the eye health of their children. We offer parents informational materials and advice on how to promote and preserve their child’s eye health.

The eye health of your child is our primary priority at Tulsi Eye Hospital. With cutting-edge facilities and a committed staff, we’re here to foster youthful vision, brighten futures, and give your child the tools they need to see the world clearly and with confidence.

Let Tulsi Eye Hospital be your partner in protecting your child’s priceless gift of sight by scheduling a paediatric eye test right away.

At Tulsi Eye Hospital, your child’s eye health is our top priority. With state-of-the-art facilities and a dedicated team, we are here to nurture young vision, brighten futures, and empower your child to see the world with clarity and confidence.

Schedule a pediatric eye examination today and let Tulsi Eye Hospital be your partner in safeguarding your child’s precious gift of sight.